Game Instructions

    Before Playing

  • 1. If you would like to store your highscore please log in using your Google credentials. If not you may continue as a guest. To listen to music you can search an artist and a playlist will begin playing. The pause, resume, and stop buttons are available if needed.
  • 2. Once you have logged in or continued as a guest you will be redirected to the game.
  • Game Rules

  • 1. Choose your initial case. This case will remain with you until the end of the game.
  • 2. After choosing your case you will choose and eliminate 6 cases.
  • 3. The banker will then call you with an offer to buy your case, our game will display the expected value of the offer (color coded) including other statistics such as mean,standard deviation, etc.
  • 4. You can then choose to accept the banker's offer by clicking on the Deal button, or you can reject it by clicking the No Deal button.
  • 5. If you select the Deal button, you accept his offer and the game ends. If you select No Deal, the game continues and rounds will proceed.
  • 6. Once there is 1 case left, you will have the option of choosing your case or the final case in the game.
  • 7. After making your decision the case you have chosen will open and display your winnings. Once the game has ended, you will have the option to input your name & click the button save winnings to save your highscore! Please make sure to Sign Out.